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chakra racine muladhara

Everything you need to know about the root chakra: meaning, rebalancing, opening…

Like the roots of a tree, the root chakra anchors you to the physical world. It is the first chakra, and it is located at the level of the coccyx . It represents earth and roots. SO,

Like the roots of a tree, the root chakra anchors you to the physical world. It is the first chakra, and it is located at the level of the coccyx . It represents earth and roots. So where is this chakra located? How to balance it ? What are its origins ? What are the signs of a disharmonious root chakra, and how to open it? We tell you more!

where is this chakra located? How to balance it ? What are its origins ? What are the signs of a disharmonious root chakra, and how to open it? We tell you more!

Stéphanie Abellan
Stéphanie Abellan
Therapist, specialized in cell release and cleansing
summary of the article

Where are our 7 chakras located?

The seven chakras are aligned along the spine . Muladhara , root chakra , is the first chakra: it is located at the level of the pelvic floor, between the anus and the genitals. The second chakra, is called sacral chakra and Svadisthana in Sanskrit, and is located just below the navel.

The third chakra is called Manipura : it is the solar chakra , which is located at the level of the solar plexus. Anahata is the heart chakra , and it is located in the center of the chest. The 5th chakra, called the throat chakra , Vishudda , is placed in the hollow of the throat. Ajna is the sixth chakra: it is the third eye , and it is located between our two eyes. Finally, Sahasrara , the crown chakra , is the seventh chakra. It is located at the top of the skull, at the level of our fontanelle.

Root chakra: what does it mean?

The root chakra is the first of the seven energy centers . It represents the earth element and rooting. It is called Muladhara in Sanskrit which translates into two words: Mula, which means root and Adhara which means support or base .

This chakra acts as the root of the body. It supports bone structure and creates a spiritual connection with the earth and the material world around us. It is the seat of security and vitality, and is linked to the satisfaction of primary needs: eating, sleeping, being warm.

The root chakra is an important center for developing self-confidence. When it is healthy and balanced, it is synonymous with good physical and mental health. It makes you feel safe and secure throughout your journey through life.

The chakra associated with the color red

The Muladhara chakra is associated with the color red . Therefore, in order to activate this first chakra, it is advisable to wear this color, but also to eat red fruits and vegetables. You can also visualize this color or use red stones and crystals , especially during a meditation or yoga session.

What is an unbalanced root chakra?

When the root chakra is not balanced, all the other chakras can become out of balance. Signs of mental imbalance may be felt: feelings of panic, anxiety, doubts, and fear.

If your root chakra is out of harmony , you may also have low self-esteem. Panic attacks can also overwhelm you.

Why does the root chakra get blocked?

Blockage of the root chakra can have many causes: stress, bad posture, financial or emotional instability, a difficult childhood... Body problems can also trigger an imbalance of the root chakra, such as anchoring difficulties, a lack of energy. balance, or even low muscle tone .

Know if your root chakra is open or closed

The root chakra can become unbalanced in two ways:

  • It can be hypoactive : people experience a feeling of withdrawal. They feel alone, are depressed, and don't want to leave the house, to open up to others;
  • It can be hyper-active : people experience feelings of anxiety, aggression or paranoia.

The sacral chakra is the one following the root chakra. Often the two are worked together, as they are located one above the other, along the spine , at the level of the genitals.

If the first chakra is linked to anchoring and security, the second is linked to physical vitality, emotional state, pleasures and desires.

What solutions to rebalance your root chakra?


When the root chakra is blocked , the stones can be worn as energy jewelry , or placed in the house, in the rooms where you practice, for example, your meditation or yoga sessions:

  • Tiger's eye : this stone is effective in acting on the 3rd chakra of the solar plexus " Manipura " and on the 1st chakra, the root chakra " Muladhara ";
  • Labradorite : worn as a root chakra jewel , it absorbs negative energies , and brings calm and harmony ;
  • Onyx : it facilitates better centering on oneself. It protects the root chakra and helps ground you.

To balance your root chakra, you can also turn to Garnet , which is a powerful stone. Its dark red color is associated with strength. It helps to find the will in periods of sadness and despondency. Carnelian , for its part, is the stone of joy and conviviality . It restores vital energy and supports the Root chakra, helping you fight against apathy . Red jasper and ruby ​​can also be interesting stones.


Test mountain pose : stand with firmness and stability. Tree pose, where you imagine your feet rooting deep into the ground, can also help rebalance and stimulate your root chakra . You will thus be able to have a deeper awareness of your body and your relationship with the earth.

Essential oils

To promote the harmonization of your root chakra , you can massage or take baths with a few drops of essential oils of cedar, patchouli and spikenard: in fact, these scents promote rooting.


To reap the benefits of meditation , sit comfortably, close your eyes and focus on your breathing. Calm your nervous system by letting superficial thoughts fade away and dive deep within yourself.

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Root chakra: meaning and unblocking